Use the below search function to find information about tests provided by our partnership. Patients may also find it useful to visit Lab Test Online which is written by practising laboratory doctors and scientists to help you understand the many clinical laboratory tests that are used.

Page 1 of 21 Next page Total results: 616
Test Service Specimen Turn around time (In days)
16S PCR Microbiology Sterile fluid or tissue, or bacterial isolate 4 working days
17-alpha-hydroxy progesterone (17-OHP) Biochemistry Yellow top SST
18S PCR Microbiology Sterile fluid or tissue 4 working days
6-Thioguanine nucleotide (TGN) Biochemistry EDTA purple
Acanthomeba PCR and culture Microbiology 30ml Universal
Acetoacetate Biochemistry Special Tube
Acetylcholine Receptor ab Immunology SST - Yellow <7
Acid Maltase Biochemistry Green top Lithium Heparin
ACTH Biochemistry EDTA purple
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia minimal residual disease monitoring Molecular Haematology EDTA - Purple
Acyl and Free Carnitines Biochemistry Guthriecard or lithium heparin blood
Adalimumab antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <14
Adalimumab levels Immunology SST - Yellow <14
ADAMTS-13 Assay Haematology
Adenovirus DNA Resp Virology Viral Transport swab
Adrenal Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <7
Alanine Aminotransferase Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Albumin Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Alcohol Biochemistry Grey top Floride/Oxalate
Aldosterone Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Alkaline Phosphatase Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Allergen Specific IgE Immunology SST - Yellow <14
Alpha Fetoprotein Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Alpha-1-antitrypsin Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotyping Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Aluminium Biochemistry Green top Lithium Heparin
Amikacin Biochemistry Yellow top SST
Amino acids Biochemistry Green top Lithium Heparin
Ammonia Biochemistry EDTA purple
AMPA/GABA Antibodies Immunology SST - Yellow <28
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