The NHS East and South East London Pathology Partnership bring together clincial, scientific, operational and quality leadership and expertise to enable the services at all hospitals to provide a high quality and efficient service across the Partnership.
Consultants can be searched by using Find a Barts Health consultant, Find a Homerton consultant or Find a Lewisham and Greenwich consultant.
To call a pathology consultant or laboratory for advice, please call the hospital switchboard: Barts Health 0207 3777 000, Homerton 020 8510 5555, Lewisham and Greenwich 020 8333 3000.
To compliment us, raise a concern about our service, or would like to provide feedback on this website, please email bartshealth.pathology.governance@nhs.net or contact the individual NHS Trust complaints teams directly:
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust: lg.complaintsteam@nhs.net
Barts Health NHS Trust: BHNT.centralcomplaints@nhs.net
Homerton Healthcare NHS Trust: huh-tr.complaints@nhs.net