The 2024 East and South East London Pathology Partnership User Satisfaction Survey is now open | News

The 2024 East and South East London Pathology Partnership User Satisfaction Survey is now open

Staff member looking in a microscope
The 2024 East and South East London Pathology Partnership User Satisfaction Survey is now open – here’s the link  
This survey is an opportunity for you to give feedback on areas such as communication and assistance from the team, test result reports, and sample transportation arrangements. 
Survey results will help us to understand how well we are meeting expectations, and they will also help to identify areas for improvement. 
This survey is for all GPs, hospital and clinic staff who use the East and South-East London Pathology Partnership service. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and is anonymous.. 
Thank you for working collaboratively towards improving services for our patients. 
The survey will close on the 20th December 2024. 


  1. Kazim Rizvi says:

    Generally the pathology service is functional but could require improvement. I’d suggest increasing ease of requesting “add-on” tests for bloods which have been done a few days ago where clinically indicated (will prevent multiple blood test appointments). Also we have noted a high number of “spurious” potassium results (inexplicably raised), likely due to delays in samples being processed/becoming haemaolysed. This causes an unnecessary worry for patients and an urgent need for a repeat sample to be done (sometimes via A&E).

    Added on 18 Oct 2023 at 11:25 AM

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